Raising Little Nuggets

Tips from parents on raising children

By Prevelinaa Suresh / 5 August 2021


Raising Pokok.Asia
Source: Gustavo Fring from Pexels

For the most part, children are cute. You look at their tiny hands, adorable expressions, their wobbly walks, and your heart will instantly melt. You look at these sweet little nuggets and think, “They could never do anything wrong to me!” 

Wrong! If there were ever a more proficient measure for patience, this would be it. Not only will they make you question your sanity, but they will also make you do things that you never imagined. Raising a child is like being forced to reach a new level of understanding every day, and most times, you can barely keep up! 

We have had the opportunity to ask parents on our platform what parenthood is to them. How do they handle the sudden tantrums in the middle of the street? What is their definition of personal space? What have they learned from their journey, and this is what they had to say:


Karen Tan, Marketing Director of ParkCity
Raising Pokok.Asia
Source: Karen Tan

How to discipline kids when they throw tantrums in public places

When my kids throw tantrums in public places, I allow them to cool down instead of scolding them, or sometimes the easy way is a stern stare. 

Is it okay to let my kids experience the natural consequences of their actions? 

Letting them experience the natural consequences of their actions is a good way for them to learn fast. 

Should we keep tabs on our children’s circle of friends? 

As parents, we should be aware of what they do and who they mix with. Among the few conditions of having their own gadget include me knowing their passwords. 

What’s the best way to correct children when they lie? 

I practice this one-to-one ‘tell all’ session with my girls and help them realise why lying is wrong.


Anuja Ananthan, Yoga Teacher & Practitioner
Raising Pokok.Asia
Source: Anuja Ananthan

How to discipline kids when they throw tantrums in public places?  

Tantrums are basically dysregulation. Firstly, I’d help him feel safe and then proceed to validate his feelings. We’ll effectively discuss the situation later when he’s calmer because this helps absorb emotional regulation and coping skills.

Is it okay to let my kids experience the natural consequences of their actions? 

Experiencing natural consequences are okay, but it depends. If it concerns his safety, then I’m definitely setting firm boundaries but let’s say if the block tower he built came crashing down, he should learn from his mistake, and that’ll build resilience.

Should we keep tabs on our children’s circle of friends? 

In this borderless world, it’s essential to keep tabs on our kids. I set rules for screen time and monitor his activities. Plus, I’ll work on building my child’s trust so that he can freely discuss his circle with me.

What’s the best way to correct children when they lie? 

As for the lying part, I’ve yet to get there, but if it comes to it, I’ll most likely educate Deyrrian on what lies are, why it’s not okay, and its consequences. Also, I’ll always emphasise that honesty is important.


Jit Shiong, Engineer
Raising Pokok.Asia
Source: Jit Siong

How to discipline kids when they throw tantrums in public places?  

Our kids rarely throw tantrums in public because I’ve made it clear that crying doesn’t work with me. Instead, I prefer reasoning with them and understanding each other’s perspectives. My tip is not to give in to tantrums! 

Is it okay to let my kids experience the natural consequences of their actions? 

Natural consequences are a big fat yes, as long as their lives are not at risk! They will learn from their experiences, the good and the bad. However, I do keep the risk as low as possible. I also reward their good behaviours as encouragement and punish when they’re wrong; it’s something insightful I learned while training dogs.

Should we keep tabs on our children’s circle of friends?  

I believe it’s important to know your kid’s circle and train them to make the right choice so that you don’t have to keep tabs on them continuously.

What’s the best way to correct children when they lie? 

If your kids lie, try to understand the cause first. Eliminating their fear is very important in creating a safe space to express themselves. 


Zanariah Abu, Insurance Agent 
Raising Pokok.Asia
Source: Zanariah Abu

How to discipline kids when they throw tantrums in public places?  

When my son used to throw tantrums, we’d bribe him with food and then give him a good lecture after we got home. This isn’t the most efficient way, but it does get the job done.  

Is it okay to let my kids experience the natural consequences of their actions? 

Natural consequences are good for them. When my kids were younger, they would ignore my advice, and I would let them be. Later on, they would return and apologise for their mistakes.

Should we keep tabs on our children’s circle of friends?  

As a mother, I would want safety for my children, including who they’re mingling with as well. 

What’s the best way to correct children when they lie? 

When my kids used to lie, they would get a good scolding from us, but that was 20 years ago.  Today, many people handle this differently, so I’m not the best at giving this advice.


Jacqueline Ng, Numeric Profiler
Raising Pokok.Asia
Source: Jacqueline Ng

How to discipline kids when they throw tantrums in public places?  

When my kids throw tantrums, I do two things. I’ll either take them to a corner and try to calm them down or use the trade-off method depending on the situation. If to no avail, I’ll walk away and watch them from afar, then they’ll come running back to me.

Is it okay to let my kids experience the natural consequences of their actions? 

Natural consequences are good because it makes them understand their decisions and its effect better. I practice naughty corners too to help them reflect and explain to me why were they wrong. 

Should we keep tabs on our children’s circle of friends?  

I think we should keep tabs on our kids till they’re at least 16 years old. As a mother, I’d like to know my children’s friends, so I encourage them to have friends over and connect with them on any of their frequent social media platforms.

What’s the best way to correct children when they lie? 

If my kids lie, I will always try to find out the reason first. I’ll have a seat with them to understand the situation, such as the what, whys, and hows. Then I’ll acknowledge their honesty for speaking the truth. However, punishments remain because I believe kids learn better from understanding their mistakes and serving punishments.


Lim Wei Sin, Fitness Instructor 
Raising Pokok.Asia
Source: Lim Wei Sin

How to discipline kids when they throw tantrums in public places?  

If my kids decide to throw tantrums in public places, I’ll pretend to leave them behind because we must educate them that this is bad behaviour.

Is it okay to let my kids experience the natural consequences of their actions? 

I do let my kids experience the natural consequences, but I’ll always assess the risks beforehand. 

Should we keep tabs on our children’s circle of friends?  

I believe parents shouldn’t keep tabs on their kids. Instead, they should equip them with the knowledge to decide between right and wrong. 

What’s the best way to correct children when they lie? 

If I ever catch my kids lying, I will try to find out the cause and educate them on its negative consequences.


Finding joy in parenthood

Parenthood can be the most satisfying job one can ever take on, but there are times when it can feel like a thankless chore and can be quite strenuous to the mind and the body. While there are different variations on parenthood, we can also agree that raising children is definitely not a joke!

Sometimes you might feel burned out, and that’s okay. Always remember to love yourself as much as you love your children, so take a break now and then to rejuvenate. After all, your mental and physical well-being play a crucial role in your children’s lives.

 Parenting is a learning process in which you will learn new things each day 一 about yourself and your children. Of course, there are many more things you have to look into besides these tips but let’s take baby steps. The next thing you know, you’ll be giving out tips to other parents!


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