6 Ways of Crafting a Zany Wellness Escape at Home

By Yuena / 24 December 2024

wellnessChill zone chronicles Photo Source: Freepik

  • Running away from reality? Let us share with you how to create a safe and happy wellness room! 

Creating a home environment that promotes mental and physical well-being is like creating a special sanctuary within your own four walls. It’s about turning your house into a place that not only brings you joy but also nurtures and uplifts you. 

Just like your favourite corner of your room where you keep your treasured toys, your home can have a designated space dedicated to exercise or practising yoga, where you can sweat it out and find your inner strength. And for those moments when you need to unwind and find some inner peace, consider creating a cosy spot where you can retreat, relax, and let happy thoughts float through your mind – your very own little oasis of meditation. 

However, creating a wellness space at home is a little more complicated than picking an empty room and calling it a day. But that’s okay! Your author here will guide you through the essential factors to consider as you begin this process.



1/ Good Intention and Space Purpose

Wellness Pokok.AsiaSet up your groovy goals for your rad wellness retreat. Photo Source: Freepik

Everything that we do in this world has a purpose. We go to school? The purpose is to study. Building a house? Well, it’s because it’s a place for us to live in. I’m dating a guy? Well, that’s because I love and want to marry him. The same goes for this very space that you want to create for your wellness. 

You need first to set your intention and the purpose of that space. What do you need the space for? To relax? To meditate or work out? Or perhaps you just want a personal space where you can blast some music off and sing your heart out. Either way, setting your intention will set your mind and heart on a mission and goal that you want to achieve.

You first need to set your intention and define the purpose of that space. What do you need it for? Is it a place to relax, meditate, work out, or just a personal space to enjoy music and sing your heart out? Setting your intention aligns your mind and heart with a mission and goal.It will also set a sense of belonging and mindset: “This is my wellness space, and I can do anything I want. I feel safe in this room.” 

So before you set a space or anything in general, we must set an intention and purpose for it! A good one, of course!



2/ Breath The Fresh Air

Wellness Pokok.AsiaBreathe in, Breathe out. Photo Source: Decoist

One super important thing when it comes to creating a chill wellness space is having proper air quality and ventilation in the room.  I mean, how else are you supposed to feel “well” if you’re not getting enough fresh air, right?

Having proper ventilation and plenty of fresh air not only makes the room more pleasant but also improves the overall wellness experience. So, when you’re looking for a room to transform into a wellness space, try to find one with big windows or easy access to the great outdoors.

A room filled with ample fresh air can totally help us unwind and boost our mood to the max. Being exposed to nature can trigger the release of serotonin, a neurotransmitter associated with feelings of well-being. Plus, being one with nature and soaking up the outdoors is like a magic potion for our mental well-being!

On a side note, imagine working out or meditating in a small, stuffy room you call wellness space. Oh, how suffocating would that be! Wouldn’t that beat the purpose of wellness?


3/ Plentiful of Light for The Greatness of Mind

Wellness Pokok.AsiaThis is a wellness nook, not a vampire crib. Photo Source: Tuff Shed

Besides having a breathable space, a wellness space also needs proper lighting that suits our preferences. Good lighting is not only for selfies that we girls like to take for Instagram, but it can affect wellness, too!

Scientifically, lighting has a profound impact on our mood and emotions, influencing our overall sense of well-being. Now, why do I say this? One crucial factor is the brightness of the light we are exposed to.  Bright lighting, especially natural sunlight, has been associated with increased alertness and energy levels. 

In contrast, dimmer lighting can create a more relaxed and calming atmosphere, contributing to feelings of comfort and tranquillity. The intensity of light serves as a powerful cue to our bodies, regulating our internal clocks and influencing our daily rhythms.

But as individuals, our bodies may react differently to the brightness of the lighting. For instance, some people may find a dark and dim room scary, stressful, or even gloomy; this can cause the mood to change negatively. 

So, since it is a wellness space for yourself, do adjust the room lighting as you prefer! There’s no rule to it; as long as you feel good and it makes you happy!



4/ Say No No To Distraction!

Wellness Pokok.AsiaGood-vibes-only zone. Photo Source: Freepik

Having a wellness space also means that it is a place where you can be alone without anyone bothering your me-time. In this case, distraction is a no-no! Any kind of disturbance will hinder you from really having time to focus on yourself, so make sure there’s nothing that can make you lose focus even for a second.

Distraction here does not only mean disturbing noises or someone poking at your shoulder while you’re meditating; This safe space of yours also shall not have clutterings here and there. Clutter makes it difficult, if not impossible, to clear your mind.

One thing you can also do is to get rid of anything that reminds you of tasks and work that needs to be done. For example, one thing I would not put or bring in my wellness space is my work notebook or even a calendar. 

And that’s the same for our electronic gadgets, especially mobile phones. Those messages and social media updates will only stress you out even more! Relax, you’ll not die without your mobile phone for at least an hour. Keep calm and just focus on yourself, okay?




5/ It Smells in Here

Wellness Pokok.AsiaDid you smell that? Smells like happiness! Photo Source: Vecteezy

If there’s one thing in this world that can calm a person, it is a favourite scent. So why not incorporate it into your wellness space?

Pleasant scents, especially your favourite ones, can improve your mood; scientifically, they can increase serotonin and dopamine levels, hence making one feel more pleasure and happiness.

For example, I love the smell of peppermint, and I’ll always have my diffuser on with my favourite peppermint essential oil at night. It makes me sleep better and relieves my crazy migraine.

It’s up to you; if you like roses, spray some rose-scented perfume in the room. Or perhaps you like strong smells, like oud or tropical fruits! No one’s gonna judge, the space is all yours, so use any scent you want!

Besides, these scents may have some special memories that make us like them, so incorporating them into our wellness room will make us remember all the sweet memories!




6/ Make It Personal

Wellness Pokok.AsiaIt’s giving “you are what you eat” energy. Photo Source: Architectural Digest

Now, what’s the last thing you need for your personal wellness space? Of course, some personal touches! If you have anything that you would like to add to your wellness room, you are more than welcome to do so. 

Personal belongings often carry sentimental value, triggering emotions and memories associated with them. These emotional connections can have a positive impact on mental well-being, as they evoke feelings of happiness, nostalgia, or comfort. And, of course, reduce your stress and calm your mind!

If I had my wellness room, I’d definitely throw in some of my favourite plush toys that I own and a few pictures of my beloved friends! But if you don’t want to have anything and instead an empty white room with nothing, go on! I mean, that’s actually a good idea when you just need some empty space to destress and scream your heart out!


Customising Your Own Wellness Space!

All in all, whatever and however you want to create your wellness space, make sure it really is the one that fits your preferences. Let it be a haven where you feel at peace, safe, and can genuinely be yourself during your “me” time.  May you have a blessed wellness journey at home! What would you add to your wellness room? Share it with us now!




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