Dear Mom: Thank You For the Best Advice

Celebrating the woman that made your existence possible

By Nurul Dina / 8 May 2021


advice Pokok.Asia

Image source Unsplash

I have only ever said, “I’m turning into my mother” with a smile. I said it when I make an attempt in baking; I’ve said it after describing rowdy kids as “sweet kids, really, you have to know who they are,” because of course, it’s true. I’ve said “I’m turning into my mother,” so many times and never once with despair. This truth might just be the greatest gift she gave me.

Echoing the wise words of Maya Angelou – “to describe my mother would be to write about a hurricane in its perfect power. Or the climbing, falling colors of a rainbow.”

For she is the lighthouse, a calm guiding light through the storm that is guiding our lives. My strongest shelter. But she is not simple. She is a raging twisting storm, fire, ocean, sky of a person so many aspects that I could devote my life to study for generations. And for that, I’m so glad to have had such a strong foundation to stand on.

This Mother’s Day, we wanted to honor our mothers not only for their love but also for their wisdom. We’ve asked some of our readers to talk about their mothers and trust us, you might want to get some Kleenex and get yourself ready because it’ll be a bumpy ride from here onwards.


Sharifa Sofia, Malaysian Actress

advice Pokok.Asia

  1. One word to describe your mom – Fighter.
  2. Best piece of advice she has ever given you – You can’t depend on anyone else but yourself.
  3. Do you use this advice today? How and why? – Of course. I’m a single mother of 2 daughters. I work hard day in, day out. I don’t depend on anyone else (apart from my dad when I need a babysitter) but myself. And that’s because I have my 2 girls who depend on me.
  4. If she’s reading this, what do you want to say to your mom? – I would want mum to know that not only does she inspire and teach children for a profession but I think she’s done an amazing job at home too. Not one of us siblings can live up to what you’ve done, lived, and dealt with in your lifetime and we admire you. You are our rock which is our support through the good and the bad. You are the most amazing person ever. I love you.


Azura Zainal, Professional Emcee and TV Host

advice Pokok.Asia

  1. One word to describe your mom. – Powerful.
  2. Best piece of advice she has ever given you. – My mother left us all with a lot of good advice. When we were kids, we never understood it but now as adults, we understand it.  I will share one of them which is “if you want to do something, you do it with all your heart! NO halfway going about doing things. No such thing as 70%, 90%. It’s either you do it or you don’t.”
  3. Do you use this advice today? How and why? – I use it every time. In my work and relationships. Whenever I have a hosting or emceeing gig, I would do my research, I perform at my best in front of the camera and on stage, even if I am not feeling my best. Especially now that I have just started my BE International online business. I told myself that I am going to make this business happen and I am giving my all to make sure that this business is a success. Why? Because it will give you satisfaction at the end of it and no matter what the outcome is, you know that you have put in your best at whatever it is that you did.
  4. If she’s reading this, what do you want to say to your mom? – I may not have been the perfect daughter to you, but I want you to know that everything I ever did was to make you proud. It was all about you. I want you to know that all your advice, nagging, and lectures, I still remember and I find myself using it on my child and the siblings a lot! LOL! You are the queen of my heart and every day I pray that I have at least some of your attributes, like your perseverance, your kind heart, your tenacious self, your motivation, your strong will just to name a few. You are a force of nature! People still talk about you even when you are no longer with us. You have left such an impact and legacy that make us proud. You are definitely one of kind Mak! I love you!


Arthur Tan, Entrepreneur

advice Pokok.Asia

  1. One word to describe your mom. – Grit.
  2. Best piece of advice she has ever given you. – Always be wary of my surroundings.
  3. Do you use this advice today? How and why? – Yes. Wherever I drive, I’ll always make sure my car is locked and nothing on the passenger seat. Anywhere I go, I’m always cautious of my surroundings and try not to leave my belongings as best as I can.
  4. If she’s reading this, what do you want to say to your mom? – You gave us unconditional love while raising us up. Now is my commitment to give you nothing but the best in life.



Pauline Gan, Socialite

advice Pokok.Asia

  1. One word to describe your mom. – My mom was a woman of substance and a strong personality. She was not afraid of difficulties. She worked hard when she was young, hoping to give her children better living conditions.
  2. Best piece of advice she has ever given you. –  She encouraged me to study hard. She was unable to do so during her time due to poor living conditions. Therefore, she kept telling me the knowledge and higher education is the only option for a better life.
  3. Do you use this advice today? How and why? – I do pass the same advice to my children today. Being a mother myself, I want them to study hard and achieve the highest of heights.
  4. If she’s reading this, what do you want to say to your mom? – Mama, how are you in heaven?  I miss you very much. Although you are no longer in this world, you have always lived in a very deep corner of my heart and have never left. I love you.


Hishaam Shamsul, Fashion Designer

advice Pokok.Asia

  1. One word to describe your mom. – Strong!
  2. Best piece of advice she has ever given you. – Always be patient regardless of any hardships you’re facing.
  3. Do you use this advice today? How and why? –  Yes, I do. No matter how hard life hits me, I will always be patient. Even when I got scolded, yeah it hurts but all I can do is be patient, and try to fix things. Well, there are always rainbows after the storm.
  4. If she’s reading this, what do you want to say to your mom? – First of all, I want to say that I’m truly sorry from the deepest part of my heart, I’m sorry that I cannot be the perfect son you’ve always asked for but each and every single day, I’m trying my best to make you happy. And I want to thank her for being my mom, I know that you might think that you’re not perfect but she is the best mom I’ve ever had. You are perfect just the way you are and no one in the whole universe could ever replace you! I love you so much, mom.


Jirathcha Tantrakul, University Student

advice Pokok.Asia

  1. One word to describe your mom. – Hardworking (she literally works her butt off and makes sure that I always get the best opportunities).
  2. Best piece of advice she has ever given you. –  My mom always tells me to be happy with what I already have.
  3. Do you use this advice today? How and why? –  There were times when I wasn’t satisfied with my life and there were no actual reasons for me to be unhappy. Like I just wish I had more. So whenever I start to feel like that again, I close my eyes and listen to my mom’s words. To be honest, it’s not easy to do so but I will try my best to overcome it.
  4. If she’s reading this, what do you want to say to your mom? – Having a mom as hardworking as you, is one of the biggest inspirations in my life. Thank you for everything you’ve done for me. I love you so so so much!


Patrick Chong, University Student

advice Pokok.Asia

  1. One word to describe your mom. – Intelligent.
  2. Best piece of advice she has ever given you. – You have done your best, so do not worry okay?
  3. Do you use this advice today? How and why? – I definitely do still use this advice in my life because no matter how bad it is, you know you did the best to your capabilities and the effort and the experience itself is what is important and if the result is great, then you can be proud of yourself but be humble about it, is what she will tell me. That advice has always been saving me from being too sad or regretful of the results of my examinations or assignments but yet I will always do my best for her and myself.
  4. If she’s reading this, what do you want to say to your mom? – Mom, I know I can be quiet or cold at times and I rarely say this: I Love You and I hope you never think I only look up to Dad; I really look up to you too, how smart you are, how strong you are, and always how brave you are. I don’t know what else to say but I love you.


Our last few words

We know that not everyone is fortunate enough to still have their mothers around but whether your mom is still with you or not, her pearls of wisdom will always ring true. Because frankly, there really is nothing like a mom’s words of wisdom, whether we ask for it or not.

So, to all the women who felt their heritage would be forgotten once they married and changed their names, moved to their in-laws’ home, and conceived children considered their father’s offspring, we see you in our DNA.

We love you; We adore you.

You’re everything to this world. From everyone, for all of the time.

Happy Mother’s Day!

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