A Candid Look at Dieting Trends on Social Media

By Yuena / 8 March 2024

almond mom  They say, beauty is pain… And also hunger. Photo Source: Delish


  • Explore the TikTok craze of “Almond Moms,” shedding light on how their dieting habits can affect children.


If you’re someone who’s always on TikTok, chances are you’re well-acquainted with the various trends and viral videos that circulate on the platform. And I’m willing to bet that you’ve even hopped on some of those trends yourself!


Now, there’s a good chance you’ve come across a video or two about “Almond Moms”. This term, although ironic, has given birth to countless memes and videos on TikTok, where users can playfully discuss and react to comments from their own #almondmoms.


So what is an Almond Mom?


Well, have you ever heard of these sentences coming out of your mom or anyone in your household before? 


“If only you lose a bit of weight, you’d look prettier.”


“You’re not hungry, you’re just bored. Go drink some water instead”


Or have your parents implemented a strict daily diet? If so, you probably have an Almond Mom!


Simply Put, An Almond Mom Has A Strict Diet


Essentially, an Almond Mom is someone (usually a parent, but it could be somebody else around you) who gives out unhealthy advice about eating and imposes their own struggles with dieting and body image onto a child.


These individuals have a tendency to offer unsolicited tips on fitness and nutrition—advice that is supposedly “healthy” but can range from being none of their business to actually being harmful.


An Almond Mom often projects their own disordered eating habits onto their children and may engage in behaviours associated with orthorexia disguised as health, wellness, and discipline.


This can involve following restrictive diets, only eating “clean” and “healthy” foods, and may even lead to eating disorders such as anorexia, bulimia, or orthorexia.


Signs Of An Almond Mom

almond mom Pokok.Asia

ALERT! ALERT! There is an Almond Mom in the room! Photo Source: YourTango


Here are a few indications that you might be dealing with an Almond Mom, based on examples of their words or actions:


  • You live in an ingredients household.
  • (TikTok came up with the term “ingredients house” to describe kitchens that have all the essentials, but no snacks.)
  • Having to swap to “healthier” alternatives for snacks. Like almonds.
  • You hide your precious snack and eat it without your parents’ knowledge. 
  • “We can’t have sugar in the house.”
  • Foods are usually talked about in terms of the number of calories they contain and how many calories you are allowed to consume.
  • Almond Moms often feel anxious or guilty when their child indulges in what they consider to be “unhealthy” foods.
  • You watched your mother overexercise, undereat, or criticise her own body.


The Origin of TikTok’s Almond Mom Meme


almond mom Pokok.AsiaFeeling weak? Just eat a couple of almonds! Photo Source: Reddit


The term “Almond Mom” first popped up on social media in response to a viral video of Yolanda Hadid, the mother of supermodels Gigi and Bella Hadid. This clip from 2014’s Real Housewives of Beverly Hills made a comeback in late 2022 and features Gigi telling her mom how “weak” she feels after just eating “half an almond.


Yolanda’s remedy? “Have a couple of almonds and chew them really well.”


While Yolanda may be the original “Almond Mom,” there’s another celebrity who has become even more associated with the term: Gwyneth Paltrow.


In a recent video conversation with Dear Media, Paltrow detailed her daily wellness routine, which includes intermittent fasting, coffee, bone broth, an hour of exercise, time in an infrared sauna, and an early dinner following the Paleo diet. It’s Gwyneth’s approach to maintaining a “healthy” lifestyle.


Impact of The Almond Mom Trend 


Naturally, when a new viral video or issue arises on the internet, we can’t resist sparking a discussion about it. Currently, people have been debating the impact of Almond Moms on the younger generation, specifically our children.


The way in which Almond Moms teach their children to categorise foods as “good” and “bad” sends a damaging message. It leads children to believe that consuming “bad” foods makes them inherently bad people, distorting their relationship with food, self-image, and self-esteem.


Food should not be seen through the lens of morality; there are no inherently “good” or “bad” foods. Foods are simply varied, offering a wide array of nutrients and experiences to both children and adults.


When a child is taught by an “Almond Mom” that certain foods or food groups are off-limits, it can foster a belief that food is a limited resource. The human body cannot distinguish between deliberate restriction and actual scarcity of food, triggering a biological response where the body craves and overeats the restricted foods, fearing they may never be available again.


Such restrictions can lead to unhealthy eating behaviours in children, like bingeing, purging, and imposing strict dietary rules on themselves—behaviours that can persist into adulthood, causing severe physical and mental anguish.


Moreover, children whose diets are strictly controlled by adults may resort to sneaking food, experience mealtime anxiety, avoid eating altogether, or have an increased risk of developing an eating disorder later in life.

Why Is the Almond Mom Diet Harmful?


Dieting involves controlling food intake with the goal of losing weight. Unfortunately, diets can pose several problems, primarily due to food restriction and calorie counting. Both practices can contribute to the development of eating disorders, making it crucial to approach them with caution.


For instance, anorexia nervosa involves severely restricting food intake, leading to dangerously low body weight. Individuals with this disorder often fear weight gain and struggle with negative body image. They may fixate on food, calories, and dieting, sometimes eliminating specific foods or food groups from their diet. Interestingly, these symptoms closely resemble behaviours associated with dieting.


In reality, dieting can serve as a gateway to developing a full-fledged eating disorder. This is particularly concerning when parents, including Almond Moms, pass on these dieting habits to their children, as it can pose significant dangers.


Therefore, it’s essential to recognise the potential risks and approach weight loss in a balanced and healthy manner.


Thriving For a Healthier Method of Dietary


While we’re busy laughing at the latest TikTok trends, it’s easy to overlook the deeper implications behind jokes like the “Almond Mom” trend. In reality, it sheds light on a significant issue: the impact of extreme diets on our children, as exemplified by figures like Gigi Hadid’s mom or Gwyneth Paltrow. The message is clear – projecting our own food hang-ups onto others, especially our kids, isn’t cool at all.


It’s time to become more aware of these “Almond Moms” and adopt a more relaxed attitude toward food and self-care. Instead of fixating on every calorie, let’s focus on loving our bodies and enjoying the nourishment of wholesome food. That’s the kind of positive energy we should all be embracing and sharing.



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