A Story of Loss, Love, and Survival

By Muhammad Abba Mandara / 11 September 2024
 Cherishing the Joys and Love That Defined Our Happiest Days as a Family Photo Source:Istock


  • A heartfelt narrative unfolds through the author’s journey with twin sisters Fatima and Zuwaira and when tragedy happens. From the warmth of shared childhood adventures to the profound pain of loss, this story reveals how their enduring bond has provided solace and strength amidst life’s challenges.

Sweet Moments Growing Up

Maiduguri was our home, bathed in warm shades of brown and gold. It was a city of resilience, where life unfolded under the sun’s gentle rays. My world was small but filled with the endless love of my family.

There were three of us: Fatima, Zuwaira, and me. The twin sisters, always beaming with joy, and I, the youngest, always close by. Our parents were our everything—my father, a devoted civil servant, and my mother, the heartbeat of our home.

Our days were filled with simple pleasures. We chased butterflies in open fields, built sandcastles by the river, and gathered around the kerosene lamp to hear Mother’s enchanting stories. Once a month, we would go out for a special meal and explore the museum park, creating cherished memories. These moments, full of laughter and wonder, wove a strong bond between us, holding us together through happiness and hardship.


The Day Our Home Fell 

One Sunday morning, the sun shone warmly, promising a bright day ahead. I woke from my nap to the comforting smell of Mama’s cooking. But something felt different today.

I found Mama by the window, tears streaming down her face. I didn’t understand why she was crying, but seeing her so heartbroken made my own heart ache. I tugged at her dress, hoping to make her smile, but it never came.

The usual sound of her laughter was missing, and the warmth of the morning seemed to fade away. As a little boy, I couldn’t fully grasp what was happening.

As days turned into weeks, our home, once lively and full of laughter, fell into a heavy silence. Father had passed away from diabetes, leaving us in a world that felt unbearably quiet. Mama, now our only parent, struggled to keep us together. Fatima and Zuwaira each tried to cope in their own ways, but our home was no longer a place of comfort. It became a space marked by deep grief and unanswered questions, where every corner echoed with the absence of the joy we once knew.


The Tragedy That Shattered Us 

In the years after Daddy’s death, each of us tried to heal in our own way. Mama did her best to keep us going, but the sadness lingered, a heavy burden that never quite lifted. Fatima, Zuwaira, and I found small moments of comfort in our daily routines and the times we shared together. Yet, the empty space left by Daddy’s absence was always there, a constant reminder of what we had lost. Every day, we tried to find joy, but the shadow of our grief was never far behind.

Five years after Daddy’s death, we were beginning to find small joys again. On a sunny afternoon, Mama cooked our favorite meal—jollof rice and chicken. Fatima was excited about her upcoming exam and thanked Mama with a bright, hopeful smile, unaware it would be her last.

Then, a phone call shattered our fragile joy. Mama’s face, once full of warmth and happiness, turned pale with fear as she learned about Fatima’s accident. We rushed to the hospital, hearts racing with dread. The doctors’ words felt like a crushing blow: Fatima wouldn’t wake up.

The house that had been slowly healing from Daddy’s loss was once again filled with unbearable sadness. Fatima’s laughter, her presence, her energy—gone in an instant. Mama, already struggling with high blood pressure, was overwhelmed by this new wave of grief. It felt as though our entire world had collapsed, leaving us to face a silence even deeper than before.


The Shift from Laughter to Grief

Time moved slowly, thick and heavy, as if it were struggling to carry our grief. The house felt painfully empty without Fatima’s laughter. Mama’s health worsened, and our world seemed to crumble. We spent endless days and nights at the hospital, trying to bring some light into Mama’s dark days. Zuwaira became our pillar of strength, managing everything at home while Mama was not around.

Our lives had changed completely. The simple joys of school and play felt meaningless compared to our deep sorrow. Every corner of our home reminded us of Fatima and the happiness she had once brought. We missed our special hideout in the old mango tree, a place where we used to feel safe and loved. Even as we longed for those comforting moments, we knew we had to stay strong, not just for ourselves, but for Mama as well.


The Pain of Losing Mama

Just three months after we lost Fatima, Mama’s health took a turn for the worse. Despite our constant efforts and countless trips to the hospital, Mama’s condition continued to decline. It was heart-wrenching to see her become more fragile each day, her once lively spirit fading away.

When Mama passed away, it felt like our entire world had collapsed. Our home, already filled with the echoes of Fatima’s absence, was now shrouded in a deeper silence. The joy and warmth we once knew were replaced by an overwhelming sadness that seemed to fill every corner.

Zuwaira and I were left to face this unbearable reality alone. Every morning was filled with tears, our hearts heavy with the loss of both Mama and Fatima. The house felt cold and empty, full of reminders of happier times we could no longer enjoy. The darkness of our grief seemed endless, leaving us lost and struggling to find hope in a world that felt impossibly bleak.


The Longing While Building New Lives

Tragedy Pokok.AsiaSurvived the struggle, standing stronger than ever. 

Time seemed to move slowly, weighed down by our grief. We missed Mama and Fatima deeply, and their absence was a constant ache. Zuwaira grew up, excelled in school, and made us proud, but the emptiness in our hearts remained. I moved to another country, hoping for a fresh start, but the loneliness was palpable. Despite our physical distance, we stayed connected, sharing stories and laughter, yet sadness always lingered.

Life changes are constant and unpredictable. We never know when they will come, and sometimes they arrive too quickly to avoid, especially the loss of loved ones. My elder sister, Zuwaira, often reminds me to be patient and present, that everything is a matter of time, and to cherish the love we have. Even as we worked to build new lives, the love for our family never faded. To those reading this, remember to treasure every moment with your loved ones. Life is fleeting, and the connections we share are the true treasures. I often wish Mama and Fatima were here with me now to share in the joys and challenges of life.

Cherish Every Moment!


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